Rake Tasks


To index your data, you can run the following rake task:

rake thinking_sphinx:index

There is also abbreviated versions, to save your fingers the few extra keystrokes:

rake ts:index
rake ts:in

This task, run normally, will also generate the configuration file for Sphinx. If you decide to make custom changes, then you can disable this generation by setting the environment variable INDEX_ONLY to true.

rake thinking_sphinx:index INDEX_ONLY=true

Generating the Configuration File

If you need to just generate the configuration file, without indexing (something that can be useful when deploying), here’s the task (and shortcuts) to do it:

rake thinking_sphinx:configure
rake ts:conf
rake ts:config

Starting and Stopping Sphinx

If you actually want to search against the indexed data, then you’ll need Sphinx’s searchd daemon to be running. This can be controlled using the following tasks:

rake thinking_sphinx:start
rake ts:start
rake thinking_sphinx:stop
rake ts:stop

Handling Delta Indexes

If you’re using either the Delayed Job or Datetime/Timestamp delta approaches, you’ll need to run a task to manage the indexing. For the Delayed Job setup, the rake task runs constantly, processing any delta jobs (as well as any other normal jobs if you’re using the delayed_job plugin elsewhere in your application).

rake thinking_sphinx:delayed_delta
rake ts:dd

For those using Datetime Deltas, you’ll need to run the following task at a regular interval – whatever your threshold is set to.

rake thinking_sphinx:index:delta
rake ts:in:delta